Wednesday 15 December 2010

Magnum Photos......almost as good as the ice cream.....almost.

Magnum Photos is a website that compiles up to date work of photographers from around the world. It boasts great diversity and distinction owned by its photographer members.  The magnum library is updated daily with over 500,000 pictures ready for browsing, you can find some amazing work on there and it makes it easy to find out about photographer, some artists even upload videos about their techniques and journeys revolving around that perfect picture that captures your attention.


Trent Parke
Trent Parke (born in 1971) is an Australian photographer.  He started to look at the world through a camera at 12 years old and continued on to become a successful photographer and writer.  In 2003 he and his wife, photographer Narelle Autio made a 56,000 miles trip around Australia, which resulted in a series and book named “Minutes To Midnight”.  Minutes To Midnight is a collection of photos from his journey and offers a look at the sometimes disturbing portrait of 21st   Century Australia, from the desiccated outback to the chaotic, melancholic vitality of life in remote Aboriginal towns. < Here is a link to the outstanding essay of Trent Parke on his Australia journey, “Minutes To Midnight”. 
AUSTRALIA. N.S.W. Sydney. A building reflects the sun during and early morning storm over the cityscape. 2002.
This photo has a in-depth look at the Sydney coast line.  I really like the way your drawn to the epic reflection of the sun in a mad storm.  Also I like how the only other bright parts are the reflection of the reflection in the water, and the tiny bit of sun passing through the clouds above. 

AUSTRALIA. South Australia. South Australian Coast. Roadkill. Foetus kangaroo. 2004.
This photo shows a kangaroo’s foetus on the road.  It’s obviously dead and could be a distressing photo for some people.  This photo shows the disturbing side of the Australian outback, for reasons that don’t need to be written, as they are apparent in the photo.

Steve McCurry
Steve McCurry  was born in Philadelphia in 195j0.  His career was launched when, wearing native clothing, he crossed the Pakistan border into rebel-controlled Afghanistan just before the Russian invasion. When he emerged, he had rolls of film sewn into his clothes that contained some of the world's first images of the conflict. His coverage won the Robert Capa Gold Medal for Best Photographic Reporting from Abroad Showing Courage and Enterprise. He has won numerous awards in the future.

KUWAIT. Persian Gulf. March 1991. Bird dying in an oil spill off the coast of Saudi Arabia.
This photo gives off an emotion when you look at it.  Solemn and harrowing, we see one of the world’s most occurring disasters, an oil spill.

USA. NYC. 2001. Streets of Lower Manhattan are filled with wreckage from the collapse of the WTC.     
This photo shows the after math of the collapsing of the WTC.  Devastation hit the world that day, and everyone remembers so. To capture such a world changing moment on a camera is a triumph but also a view of what evil lies in the world.

Futurism..Which is technically in the past.

"The art of the past is great nonsense, based on moral, religious and political principles. Only in futuristic art does art truly reveal itself."
Carlo Carra.

Futurism is an Italian art movement that was created between 1909 and 1944 (see what i mean about the past.) its a unique art style that rebelled against the times (sounds like my friend Jenny). Futurism was all about speed, noise, pollution, machinery and the city sprawls; it was a way of embracing the coming future whilst enjoying the comforts of that modern world!
Futurism artists explore every form of expression; from painting and sculpting to poetry and literature, and lesser so in photography.
Futurism became popular between the 1920/30s when many Italian futurist began supporting the movement in hope of modernizing their own society's.


Carlo Carra (1881 - 1966)
Media: Painting
He was a Futurist painter who came into light in the 1910; he was an ani-mated by a belief in a universal model of a world impelled by motion.  He consisted of dynamisms, disassembly, interpenetration and simultaneity – the parameters of futurism.  Carrà's Futurist phase ended around the time World War I.
Giacomo Balla
Italian Painter 1871-1958
Giacomo Balla was on of the founders of futurism. Balla was a Italian painter who was also a teacher of futurism, he had pupils such as Umberto Broccioni and Gino Severini. During World War I Balla's studio became the meeting place for young artists but by the end of the war the Futurist movement was showing signs of decline.

Umberto Boccioni
Italian Painter 1882-1916
“With the writer Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, he was a leading figure in the futurist movement, the paintings and sculptures he executed from 1910-11 to 1914-15 have shaped our image of the first Italian avant-garde to this day.”
(Book;Futurism; Sylvia Martin)
 Umberto Boccioni (1882 - 1916) wrote the Manifesto of Futurist Painters in 1910 in which he vowed: "We will fight with all our might the fanatical, senseless and snobbish religion of the past, a religion encouraged by the vicious existence of museums. We rebel against that spineless worshipping of old canvases, old statues and old bric-a-brac, against everything which is filthy and worm-ridden and corroded by time. We consider the habitual contempt for everything which is young, new and burning with life to be unjust and even criminal."

Luigi Russolo (30 April 1885 – 4 February 1947) was an Italian Futurist painter and composer, and the author of the manifesto The Art of Noises (1913). He is often regarded as one of the first noise music experimental composers with his performances of "noise concerts" in 1913-14 and then again after World War I, notably in Paris in 1921. He is also one of the first theorists of electronic music.